Introduction to H.A.A.R.P.
by Dan Eden

Editor's Note: Many articles have been written about HAARP. What this author wishes to make clear is that he believes HAARP is not the actual facility designed to be used as a military system but a "front" or "red herring" facility which allows the authorities to deny important questions about its purpose and operation. The real facility is located in Poker Flats, North of Fairbanks, Alaska. Please read the Congressional Executive Summary which is provided here in full for the truth.

Albert Einstein's theories of relativity and the development of atomic energy are seen as the pinnacles of Twentieth Century technology. But Bernard Eastlund's discoveries, when they are eventually disclosed, will render many of Einstein's innovations obsolete.

You've probably never heard of Bernard Eastlund. If the US military has their way, you probably won't. He's a very private physicist with a small company in Houston. In the mid-80's, Eastlund invented and patented a technology that will nevertheless reshape our lives, for better or for worse, whether we like it or not.

Last month, ViewZone ran a photograph that was sent to us for identification (see Unusual Photographs). We received many wild explanations, from underground alien bases to ancient city streets. But a handful of anonymous e-mails were consistent. These described the long, parallel, perfectly straight lines as part of an antenna complex used to communicate with submerged submarines. These same e-mails spoke of "death rays" that could blast distant locations with lethal electromagnetic radiation.

The photograph was eventually believed to be an ELF (an acronym for Extremely Low Frequency) antenna installation, designed for submarine communication. There is one almost identical to the photograph in Michigan. Since our anonymous informants seemed to be so knowledgeable, we were curious about their claims of a "death ray" installation located somewhere in Alaska. Our informants directed our attention to something called HAARP (High Frequency Active Aurora Ionospheric Research Program).

HAARP is a military project based on Eastlund's discoveries. It is a technically difficult program to discuss with non-scientists and, as such, it has eluded the spotlight of the popular press. In addition, HAARP has been maintained partially as a clandestine project, operated by the US Navy. The information that is made available to the public is carefully worded to make HAARP appear as a bland, harmless, unclassified, atmospheric research facility.

This public image is maintained, in part, through a website, complete with a reassuring, updated, digital photograph, showing dozens of motionless aluminum dipole antennae at their remote Alaskan base. Public statements speak about "better understanding the ionosphere," a layer of Earth's atmosphere about 60-90 Km. high. They are polite when questioned, but stick to their "harmless research" stories, despite contradictions in the press and in publicly available documents. In preparation for this article, ViewZone contacted HAARP. Not only did they deny that the facility was doing military work, but they also diminished the work of Dr. Eastlund, implying that he knew very little about his own discovery.

Eventually everyone will know about Bernard Eastlund and his work. It will someday be taught in schools. His technology will impact every living thing. But this will have to wait for the military, who own his valuable patents, to release Eastlund's work for humane applications. For the time being, this work is buried in the secretive work of HAARP.

To completely understand Eastlund's work, you must first understand how and why HAARP works. This is not an easy task. But we'll try to keep it simple.

--What is HAARP?-->